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About me

Being a Hawaiian Wedding Photographer here on Oahu has really been a wonderful experience. I would like your event or experience to be as memorable as possible and beyond your wishes.


I enjoy photographing people in any event. Senior portrait, Family portrait, Maternity and Newborn are all my favorite types of Photography.


Feel free to contact me if you would like to just talk and find out how I can make your special event even more special.



"Capturing the moments of today that will wow your heart tomorrow"


Let's talk

          Please Feel free to call me or e-mail me and I will get back with you as soon as possible, hopefully the same day. I would like your event or experience to be as memorable as possible and beyond your wishes. And I believe that will be achieved through communication between us before we actually meet and take the photos. Also feel free to mention any ideas you might have for your photo shoot because it is YOUR photo shoot. I look forward to meeting with you,

                                                                                                                    Naomi Hayes

Aiea, Hawaii



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All Donations small or large are appreciated. We Photograph single parents and thier children. It started out for around Christmas time and now we use it to provide portraits to these single parent families for free. Thank you for all your donations. Aloha

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